To the right find thumbnails of the twenty-five images I have chosen as my best images of the year. They are in no way representative of all the year's most memorable moments, people or sights. They are only the isolated images that most gratify and sustain me as an artist-in-waiting.
I feared these twenty-five images would be lost in the seven hundred plus images posted last year (of the several thousand taken!) while the culling and gathering of them gave me escape and pleasure. Please take a moment to share them with me by scrolling through large thumbnails of these Twenty-five . (As always, a double click on any image opens it full-sized)
In my obsessive compulsion to categorize and create conceits of order, I have organized what I thought the fifty-two best images into six groups and then sought to impose some commonality of mood on each grouping -- Disquiet, Distance, Illumination, Color, Joy and Peace. In fear of this becoming too much like a dreaded Artist's Statement, I leave you to make of those words and this exercise what you will.
Only one image here I feel demands "contextualization" -- that of a single rain droplet on the lens pointed at the remnants of Katrina from the August 30th post "Toothless Monster" .
If you have come here directly, please visit HalfwayHome for a year's worth of loving, looking, leaving, losses and whining. And thank you again to all who have shared this transformative year with me in person and in spirit, through visiting the blog or agreeing to appear on it.
Spiritual blessings and bounty to all. Peace. Nancy