Believe me, I know at the end of the year this will not be one of my favorite posts.
But it was the stunning event of the day -- my first encounter face to foot with one serious bad ass roach. Ever since the office flooded and the ceiling tiles fell and still aren't replaced, the interior nether reaches of the Belcrest walls have opened up and office. As a result, all sorts of interesting city wildlife has been passing through the office, but none so spectacular as The Roach I saw today.
Naive little country girl me, I argued that just had to be an extraordinarily robust June bug because roaches just don't get that big. Hah. And trust me, I wasn't about to get close enough to get a picture of him for the blog once I got close enough to confirm that yes indeed, that was one big mother f&ckin roach.
So to make staying in the office alone after dark with a roach big enough to drive more psychologically manageable, I decided to make a pet out of him. I named him Stan. Stan the Roach, after no one in particular. And from now on every giant roach I see in the office is Stan. Its the same roach...Stan. Do you understand me? There's only one...and his name is Stan.
But, just to leave this on a less icky note, I'll share a kid this case Joe who when compelled by me to read one summer chose The Metamorphosis, in German no less. That following fall, in his German class, his teacher was beside herself to find this deep, how sophisticated, how challenging a choice for summer reading...little did she know the real reason Joe chose Kafka, and I quote --
"It just sounded cool. its a story about some guy that turns into a bug"
And there's just one...and his name is Stan!